News and notices Pānui

​New sensory space to open in Childrens Ward

22 June 2021

​Bubble machines, projector lamps, an infinity mirror, a tactile caterpillar, a weighted blanket and fairy lights all make the first sensory room for Tauranga Hospital's Childrens Ward an amazing space for children who need some time out.

​New sensory space to open in Childrens Ward
The room, complete with a sensory trolley that can be moved around the ward as and when needed, is something Registered Nurse Moira Yates is extremely proud of, and excited about.

The room, complete with a sensory trolley that can be moved around the ward as and when needed, is something Registered Nurse Moira Yates (pictured) is extremely proud of, and excited about.

"The sensory space helps children be more at ease while they are in hospital. It's especially beneficial for children with sensory issues, autism, developmental delays and mental health conditions," says Moira.

Moira and her daughters Midwife Sian Boston and Charlotte Hasler held a charity ball in February with the goal to raise $9,000 for a sensory trolley which helps with recovery, pain distraction and general well-being whilst in hospital.

They exceeded their goal and raised over $15,000 which meant that as well as purchasing a sensory trolley, the ward now has a sensory room which includes sounds, lights, aromas, sensory tactile and soft play objects. The sensory equipment is especially helpful for children with sensory issues, autism, global developmental delays and mental health conditions.

"Kids can come in here when they want to relax or if they feel anxious," explains Moira.

Childrens Ward Nurse Manager Lynnece Dowle Back said she would like to congratulate Moira on her great effort organising the ball to raise the money needed for the sensory space, as well as using her own time in designing and setting up the room.

"It is a children's magical wonderland," says Lynnece.

"Moira wants the children to have the best, understands what they need and goes the extra mile. The sensory room and sensory trolley are going to make such a difference for the children, and the whole team."

Moira was inspired to raise funds for the sensory equipment as she used to work in a children's ward in the UK that had a sensory room which she described as "amazing". Sian and Moira are planning another charity ball for February 2022, this time to raise money for a grieving room in Tauranga Hospital's maternity ward. Sian would also like to make the delivery suites more friendly.

The sensory room is being officially opened with a powhiri on Thursday morning at 8am and there is a celebration at 3.15pm – anyone is welcome to attend.