News and notices Pānui

Hospital café access changes from Friday 3 December

02 December 2021

With the introduction of the new COVID-19 protection framework (traffic light system) from Friday 3 December, there will be some changes made to café access at Tauranga and Whakatāne hospitals.

These steps are being taken to minimise the risk to our workforce, as our hospitals are open to both vaccinated and unvaccinated members of the public. 

The main changes at Tauranga are that the 1st Floor Café will become a Staff Only café, and the ground floor café will be takeaway only but open to staff and public. At Whakatāne, the main change is that the hospital café will also be takeaway only, but open to staff and public.

The full changes are given below:

Tauranga Hospital

1st Floor Café (opening hours 7am-7pm daily)
  • Open to staff only
  • Access will be by staff swipe card only
  • Closed to the public
Ground Floor Café (opening hours 7am-4pm daily)
  • Open to public and staff for takeaway coffee and food only
  • No seating will be provided

Whakatāne Hospital

Whakatāne Hospital Café (opening hours 8am-6pm daily)
  • This café is open to public and staff for takeaway food and coffee only
  • No seating in the cafeteria will be provided
  • Staff to use the staff dining areas for seating


Ngā mihi,

Trevor Richardson
BOPDHB COVID-19 Incident Controller