Fractured Shoulder (Proximal Humerus)

On this page

What has happened?

  • You have fractured (broken) the top of your arm bone near the shoulder joint

What should I expect?

  • Most of these fractures are treated with a special type of sling called a collar and cuff, followed by physiotherapy, and do not usually require surgery

What should I do?

  • The sling will help with pain initially, and you should still move your hand and wrist as often as you can
  • You should remove your sling and bend/straighten the elbow regularly from day 1 (this may be easiest if you support the weight of the arm )
  • You may be more comfortable sleeping propped up on pillows for the first few days
  • As you begin to feel more comfortable, you can start to hang the arm out of the sling and gently move it in circles
  • It may take several months before you get back to your normal activities, depending on what you do
  • You may wish to book in to see a physiotherapist to help you with rehabilitation from this injury - remember to take your ACC form/number with you

What should I not do?

  • We discourage smoking as this may delay bone healing

Will I be followed up?

  • Yes, a follow-up appointment in the Orthopaedic Clinic will be requested when you leave the Emergency Department (ED) and you will be contacted about a date and time

What if I have concerns/questions?

  • If your injury is not settling or you are worried about how it is healing, please see your GP - take your ACC form/number with you