DIP Dorsal Finger dislocation (no fracture)

On this page

What has happened?

  • You have dislocated one of your fingers
  • This is a relatively common injury where the bone temporarily moves out of place, and usually requires no further treatment

What should I expect?

  • The injury will have been put back into place by Emergency Department (ED) staff and put into a splint
  • The finger will be painful and swollen, and you may develop bruising on your finger - this is normal

What should I do?

  • Take regular pain relief (e.g. paracetamol and ibuprofen) as needed
  • Your finger will be in a splint for approximately two weeks

What should I not do?

  • Avoid heavy lifting with your affected hand while injured
  • Leave your finger splint on at all times - take it off for washing only

Will I be followed up?

  • Yes, a follow-up appointment in the Orthopaedic Clinic will be requested when you leave the Emergency Department (ED) and you will be contacted regarding a date and time

What if I have concerns/questions?

  • If your injury is not settling after 6 weeks or you have other concerns, you should see your GP first - take your ACC form/number with you