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Whenua ki te whenua – an advance care planning guide for whānau

Whenua ki te whenua – an advance care planning guide

The Health Quality and Safety Commission is proud to launch Whenua ki te whenua – an advance care planning guide for whānau. The guide was co-designed with a Māori advisory group and  is a resource for all Aotearoa New Zealand.

It is a document designed to help New Zealanders think and talk through their advance care plans. It encourages people to look at what is important to people, their values and beliefs and consider practical decisions should they become unwell or unable to speak for themselves.  It also provides resources and examples of others people’s approaches to advance care planning. For more information on the creation process of Whenua ki te whenua, click here.


Online advance care plan

My Advance Care Plan

The Health Quality and Safety Commission (HQSC) Advance Care Plan will help you think about and write down what matters most to you.

Click here to print an Advance Care Plan PDF, or order a hard copy here.

See more Advance Care Plan options on the HQSC site.



Advance care planning – He Waka Kakarauri

He Waka Kakarauri is a model for engaging Māori in Advance Care Planning (ACP) conversations. This model has been developed following earlier work by the former Northern Regional Māori ACP Tool Task Team, and more recently as an outcome from co-design hui held with consumers and healthcare workers in Northland.

The guide, Rarangi Tohutohu o te Waka Kakarauri, has been developed to assist Māori patients, whānau and healthcare workers to engage in these conversations in a way that is culturally appropriate and mindful of the sensitive nature of this topic.

Download ACP Waka Booklet

Click here for more information from the Northland DHB